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LICENSE & PERMITS                                                                                                Sec. 12.02


            (1)  There is hereby created and set aside that portion of the public square as shown on the attached map and which shall be deemed the Farmers Market and Public Vending area. This area shall be used exclusively for farmers for the sale of farm produce and for the vending of other goods and assorted products during the months of May, June, July, August, September, and October of each year, Tuesday through Sunday between the hours of 4: A. M.  and 5:00 P.M., and Monday between the hours of 4:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M of each week.  The location and number of stalls shall be determined by the City. 

             (2) The Farmer's Market Association shall permit spaces to be used by vendors pursuant to rules established by such association.  Vending areas are established as shown on the attached map unless approved by the City

            (3)  Rules and regulations for sale of produce:

(a)  Vendors spaces shall be reserved to the assigned vendor until 6:30 A.M. each day.  All rights to the assigned space is forfeit for that day in the event that the vendor has not arrived and occupied the space by 6:30 A.M. A vendor space is not assignable by the vendor.

            (b)  All produce must be grown within a 30 mile radius of Stevens Point.  Some exceptions may be made for Wisconsin grown products not grown locally.

            (c)  Produce purchased at wholesale or retail from third parties shall not be permitted except from other market vendors who sell at this market.  (The intent is to allow farmers to fill a void they may have due to crop failure or a particular produce shortage, by purchasing that produce from other vendors who sell at the Stevens Point Farmers Market. Farmers are still expected to grow their own produce.)

            (d)  All vendors shall clean daily, their respective stall area and shall remove all debris and waste generated by their sales and shall not deposit such waste in adjacent dumpsters.

            (e)  All vendors are prohibited from using tobacco products within the vending area or reserved space.

            (f)  Vendors shall not engage in hawking, or use a radio or any sound amplification device emitting sound within the vending area or reserved space.

            (g)  Vendors shall not deposit produce or other items for sale in any area which would impede or hinder pedestrian or handicap traffic.

            (h)  Vendors shall not make any disparaging remarks concerning other vendors or make any false representation concerning their products.

(4)  Penalty. Any vendor violating any provisions of this ordinance may suffer a forfeiture of not less than $10 nor more than $100 and in addition the City reserves the right to revoke such vendors right to occupy a space.