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Scroll down Prospective vendors who wish to sell at the Stevens Point Farmers Market can download the contract form in Microsoft Word format, then fill it out and deliver it personally to a board member at the market on a Saturday. Copy and paste document below, then fill out and deliver it to a board member. Four pages Stevens Point Farmers Market Application for Seller Market year: _______ Fill out completely and type or print all information clearly and hand deliver to a board member at the market. (Do NOT make them out to Name of primary vendor _____________________________________________________________ Name of Farm business and Name of Person in charge ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address________________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State_______ Zip__________ Phone ( ____ ) ____________________________ E-mail _____________________________________* you will receive information via e-mail unless otherwise requested Qualified Helper(s) Name Relationship to Business/Product 1. ____________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________ 5.____________________________________________________________ Production Information 1. Are you certified organic? oYes oNo If yes, list certifying agency _____________________________________________________________ 2. Please briefly describe your production practices (i.e., Conventional farming, legally organic, biodynamic, IPM, pasture raised, etc.) _________________________________________________________________________________. _________________________________________________________________________________. 3. Location of land where crops are grown. Must be specific so that a board member can find it easily. _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. Size of growing area: (acres, or square feet) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. Location, size and number of greenhouses/high tunnels: ______________________________________________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________________________________________. 6. If you process foods or do bakery, give the location of your certified kitchen. ________________________________________________________________ 7. If you sell products requiring a license or permit, please list expiration date and provide copies of license/licenses or permits required by law: Example: food processing license __________________ Nursery license for perennials __________________ Processing license for bakery and other processed foods __________________Sales tax number
8. For wild gathered items, state the location where gathered and attach permission of property owner. _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 9. Do you intend to sell at other farmers markets? o Yes o No 10. Do you accept WIC produce vouchers? o Yes o No 11. Do you sell flowers or other nonfood products? O Yes O No If yes, what is your tax #____________
Affidavit I have read the rules, regulations and policies as described for the Stevens Point Farmers Market and hereby agree to abide by them. I also acknowledge that the products I will sell must be of my own production and produced at the location described on my application. Note: (Purchasing products from other vendors selling at the Stevens Point Farmers Market and selling them at your stand is also acceptable to fill a void you may have due to crop failure or a unintended produce shortage. Farmers are still expected to put forth a conscious effort to grow their own produce.) I acknowledge full responsibility for all my activities within my stall at the market (and for those assisting me) throughout the term of my permit. I acknowledge the authority of the market manager/managers to immediately settle any disputes regarding product legitimacy as well as procedural and vendor conduct violations. I agree to allow for inspection of my records or of the premises where the products offered for sale are produced. These inspections will be carried out by the market manager/managers and/or representatives of the market at any time. I understand that the Stevens Point Farmers Market Association does not carry any insurance policies to cover individual participants.
Signature: ___________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________ Please complete the list of ITEMS FOR MARKET on the next page. Note: If you are accepted to sell at the market, you are expected to donate $20 per year for the Farmers Market Association’s operational expenses, publicity and advertising. Permits shall be issued to those who abide by the rules and guidelines of the Stevens Point Farmers Market Association.
Items for Market Beginning in 2012 vendors shall list the amount of each item grown for sale at the market by listing how many feet of row or how many plants. Example:
Items for Market Market Year ___________